DAMN!!! continued

But it didn't stop at having been cut off on that one day! A week later, last Monday, it happened again! Why? You pollute the internet! That's funny because I don't do such things at all!!!. What could have happened?


If I've just got everything in order, suddenly a contingency plan has to be put into operation! Ziggo had shut down our internet connection!!! Not because we're bad at paying... but because we're suspected of hacking others!


For the record, I'm very happy with my setup, with Drupal, with Composer, with Plesk and TinyCP and... In short, I'm a happy person.

But I am not always. I am also a "grumpy old man". Meanwhile, I've developed a lament:

In the Disco! Yeah!

For a successful installation of TinyCP on my home server I had to go back to Ubuntu 18.04. Otherwise, Tiny bleats when installing. But what prevents me from upgrading the OS if it's already running well? Nothing, it's my own server. If it doesn't work, I'll start over again.

Fair is fair...

How stupid can you be... Well, let's be honest, I'm not stupid, but I sometimes overlook something, and sometimes I draw a conclusion too quickly. At first, I didn't see anything in Plesk, but I was completely wrong about that. Then I got so excited about it that I wanted to have something similar on my home server. I delved further into that. Conclusion: Plesk and by the way Cpanel must be excluded, because of the cost. There are free alternatives, but each package demands a "clean" installation of ubuntu 18.04.

Progress by standing still

I haven't done anything new on the VPS for a few days. Aligned all email, tested and tested everything. And now I'm at a point where I could have been ten days ago if I'd delved into Plesk first...that's what you get when you want to jump in at the deep end before worrying about your swimming skills...

Hooray for Plesk!

It was a bit stressful and therefore a bad night. This morning quite early (for me) behind the keys again. And the VPS simply does not return a signal. Then try to ping, both from Windows and from Linux. In both cases nothing at all!

That server is still not back online after about ten hours of waiting!

Mail explosion!

With slowly but steadily growing desperation I spent three days trying to get email working somehow. Started with Postfix, the program that can receive and send e-mail, say: the administrator of the letterbox. And then Dovecot, the program that can save the e-mail and offer it to end users, say: the administrator of the doormat ;-). As it says somewhere in a manual: Postfix is ​​pure misery because of all those settings, complex or small, that you have to assess and possibly correct.